Washington Wildlife Rehabilitation Association

The Washington Wildlife Rehabilitation Association (WWRA) is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2003. WWRA provides a network to act as a unified voice, support system, and educational resource for those involved in the rehabilitation of wildlife in Washington State. 

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WWRA’s mission is to act as a collective voice dedicated to advancing professional wildlife rehabilitation in Washington State through education and community-building.

Guiding Principles

The Washington Wildlife Rehabilitation Association supports the science and profession of wildlife rehabilitation and its practitioners through: 

  • Fostering continued improvement of wildlife rehabilitation.

  • Disseminating knowledge through meetings, reports, publications, symposia, and other means.

  • Promoting educational programs, teaching natural history, and explaining the kinship among all living things.

  • Promoting cooperation between professional and governmental agencies, wildlife rehabilitators, and the public at large.

  • Providing support to its members through networking and mentoring.